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Resilience, Exploration, Aspiration and Positivity


Welcome to Kemsley Primary Academy, a successful and ambitious one-form entry primary school, nestled at the heart of Kemsley, in Sittingbourne.  

At Kemsley, we ardently believe that every child deserves the very best education and that's what we aim to provide - excellence for all. We have incredibly high expectations of our children and we are determined to ensure that each one of them fulfils their potential.

We do so by ensuring our four golden threads are woven throughout our curriculum:

  • Reduce cognitive load
  • Inspire our children to be the best they can be
  • Develop working memory
  • Enhance schema

Our learners are encouraged to make the most of every learning opportunity and take responsibility for their own learning by embodying our school values:

  • Resilience
  • Exploration
  • Aspiration
  • Positivity 

Our school rules are simply:

  • Be Kind
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Respectful

These three rules encapsultate all that we expect of our pupils' behaviour.

We work closely with our parents, our governors and REAch2 to achieve our vision and aims. 

We encourage you to explore our website and read more about our school. You are also very welcome to contact Mrs Coleman in the main office via 01795 428689 or to book a place on our scheduled tours or to arrange a visit. 

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you in person to our school!

Miss Iris Homer