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Online Safety

What do we do in school to educate our children about online safety?

At Kemsley Primary Academy we take online safety incredibly seriously.  It is not only interweaved throughout our Computing curriculum but also in all other subjects where ICT is used. It is especially explored throughout PSHRE, as well as throughout the school day.  To complement our own curriculum, each class also has an annual talk from our local PCSO to reinforce the messages that we give. We also celebrate Safer Internet day annually. 


What do we do to support our families?
We support our families' knowledge by sending out National Online Safety leaflets each week to our parents: #WakeUpWednesday online safety guides - copies of which can be found below. These cover a range of subjects from general information about apps, to how to support your child when they view upsetting material online.


Proactive or Reactive?
As an academy we are both proactive and reactive with regards to online safety. When we hear about a new game or app that our children are starting to use, as we try to ensure that staff, pupils and families are given up to date information.